New cancer diagnosis. What to do next? Eminent oncologist explains. 1

New cancer diagnosis. What to do next? Eminent oncologist explains. 1

New cancer diagnosis. What to do next? Eminent oncologist explains. 1

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New diagnosis of cancer throws life into turmoil. Top cancer expert shares wisdom on key steps to beat cancer. Sometimes a patient receives a cancer diagnosis. They are often confused, frozen, and devastated. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. You are Director of Cancer Research at one of the largest hospitals. Your hospital has enormous research and treatment facilities. What do you advise to someone who received cancer diagnosis? Dr. Bruce Chabner, MD. Let me just correct one thing. I'm actually an "Emeritus" Clinical Director at MGH now. I retired in the last few months. The most important thing in answer to your question about new cancer diagnosis is this. It is to ensure that your medical care is in the hands of a competent group of physicians. That means, for a cancer patient, going to a dedicated cancer center. There are many fine private oncology practices in this country and abroad. Dr. Bruce Chabner, MD. I would say this. Particularly for the more serious kinds of cancer you need an expert medical team. It is true particularly for patients with metastatic cancer. Patients who have advanced cancer have to see real medical experts. It is important to get the medical second opinion. It is crucial to know the plan for cancer treatment from a very experienced and knowledgeable group of oncologists. That would be most likely at a regional or national cancer center.

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